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Nursery Admissions


To apply for a Nursery place please complete the expression of interest form and return it to the school. 

The Nursery day core hours are from 9.00am until 3.20pm.

Part time hours are 8.40am-11.40am.

The school’s admission number is 26 pupils.

Pupils are eligible to join the 3- 4-year-old Nursery in the term following their third birthday.

Please note we offer before and after school care, 7.30am-6.30pm, to nursery children once they are settled and can cope with the long day. 

30 Hour Code Eligibility

To qualify, each parent (or the sole parent in a single parent family) will need to earn, on average, at least the equivalent of 16 hours on the national minimum wage per week (currently £115.20 per week for over 25s), and no more than £100,000 per year. 

If you would like to check if you do qualify for this, you can do so here.

To apply for the 30-hour code you must do so the term before the children start with us in, please see the table attached for more information here.

To apply for the code please find the link here.

Paying for your Nursery Fees

Our Nursery fees are paid via School Gateway. 

Fees (2024-2025):

Full Time 30 hours - £15 per week for lunch and a snack in addition to 30 hour code

Part Time Code and Top Up (to become Full Time) - £130 per week (including lunch and a snack) in addition to 15 hour code

Part Time Place - 15 hour code 

Further Information about our school

View our prospectus:

SBSP Prospectus