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Home Learning


Children perform at their best when home and school work together. Homework should also be enjoyable for the child involved and should stimulate imagination and creativity as well as reinforcing what is taught in the classroom. Homework can cover a very wide range of activities, depending on the age of the child, but throughout the primary years a consistent emphasis will be put on reading for pleasure, learning spelling rules and patterns and learning key number facts such as times tables and number bonds.


  • Encourage a positive attitude towards learning.
  • Consolidate and reinforce what is learnt in the classroom.
  • Build up basic skills (particularly in reading, writing and mathematics).
  • Encourage curious and independent learners.
  • Develop good study habits.
  • Prepare children for the next stage of education.
  • Provide opportunities for parents and carers to be actively involved in their child’s education.


Homework will be set weekly.

We ask parents and carers to:

  • Make it clear to pupils how much they value homework and support the school in explaining how it can help their learning.
  • Encourage children to ask their teacher if they do not understand the work set.
  • Praise and encourage pupils when they take pride in their homework.
  • Provide a peaceful and comfortable place free from distractions, where pupils can concentrate on their homework.
  • Ensure pupils have the necessary equipment e.g. pens, pencils, dictionary, ruler etc to complete the tasks set at home.
  • Encourage pupils of all ages to read as much and as widely as possible.
  • Engage with homework by asking children to explain what they have learnt.
  • Give the class teacher feedback on how well children have done or any problems with homework.
  • It is also the responsibility of parents and carers to make sure that reading record is signed and kept up to date each day to monitor the children’s progress and show that reading has taken place at home.

More information about homework expectations can be found in the Homework Policy on the policies page. 


It is important that every child sees that home, parents and carers and school are working together in partnership to provide help, support and encouragement. Homework can help to promote a positive attitude to learning at home and provides a vital link between home and school.

Marking and feedback

At SBSP, we provide the following methods of feedback to homework:

  • A tick for a correct answer and a dot for an incorrect answer.
  • Monitoring the reading records each week.
  • Written comments, stickers or stamps on home-learning projects as appropriate.
  • Praise and recognition in the classroom and during collective worship for homework.